Sunday, January 20, 2008

so close, so close, yet still so far

finally i get to go out and see matt again after a long time of not seeing him.. seeing him and getting to spend time with him means so much to me. its like...a very special moment and its every minute and every second to cherish..because in the end, our day just ends in such a short period of time.

time tends to pass faster when ure having the time of your life, when each second at that moment matters so much to you. you might not know how it feels..but trust me..its a feeling like no other. full of misses but yet it draws you closer to each other. but patience goes a long way.

went out with matthew and yong xuen and jaysen today. i did stupid things while waiting for them to come. haahaha. had lunch at PHOP. i could hardly finish my meal. makes you so freakishly full. then went and hang around and bought new accessories. woooott! watched gameplan. its nice but not that nice la. but its still alright. hehhehe. and so..the day just ends.. god...why couldn't time just slow down for me today...just let every hour turn into a minute. =( but whatever it was special and i'd do anything to turn back time and repeat it. but better forward this year till spm ends in just a snap. that'll be great. great i tell you. great. i miss you.... <3

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