Thursday, April 17, 2008

goodbye drama, hello i dont give a shit

i think i'm having this habit of collecting whatever i want to blog about from days ago and fitting it all in to one..well i'm obviously a very lazy girl and i just blog out of bordem so what the hell right?

im so tired i dont know what the hell am i saying or trying to say. gosh.. i hate school and i cant wait to get it over and done with...its the students, the teachers and the bluddy rules..hate the teachers and the rules the most. such jumbo dumbo stuff..

the hell with school. anyway, back to my out dated posts. went to the PC Fair with julian cos i promised him a long time ago that i would follow him when the next one kept! and we went with my elder bro and his was kinda fun but soo freaking stuffy.. all of us kept complaining. esp julian..> " what are all this ppl doing here?! as if they're all gona buy a com right!" hahahahhah. and i would just keep saying "ouch" so ppl would think they stepped on my foot and gave me way. hahahah. but a few did actually step on my foot la but i just made it seem like it hurt real bad. ehhehe. =P after the fair we decided to go to the fish spa in pavillion. we had to bluddy walk there! while it was drizzling and i was wearing flip flops..imagine how filthy my feet bro was saying "i dont think the fish would wana eat your dead skins now, they might just die" HAHAHAH. had dinner then headed to the fish spa...holy shit it was freaking ticklish!! i couldn't stop laughing and lifting my feet every 10 seconds. its worse than julius and maandip making me laugh in school. giggling my way through the spa and hitting my head with the magazine to forget the little creatures nibbling my feet and watching julian just sitting there with freaking aot of fish nibbling his and he's so chilled. but it was a damn good experience.

it was a very fishy day. we got packed like sardines in the crowd and we went to the fish spa.

school was very boring yesterday..bash didn't come..dzariff didn't come.. megan went to hong kong..miss that crazy girl..but thank god maandip came!! our big friendly giant. and nu'aim hogged the camera during bm. funny boy.

nu'aim thinking we wont notice that he took it himself

this is soo funny! siti's expression is like as if the thingy is damn heavy

it somehow doesn't really look like wj


su-li with nu'aim's finger on her head. hahahaha

after school went to bangsar for lunch with siti and bash before tuition. hung out at the renewed mcD. kinda chunted but like su-li said, its more like a normal restaurant than a place for kids to have fun already. hahahah.
we had soo much fun hanging out there. siti and i got sugar high so imagine how much we laughed and annoyed bashar. after that we had to walk back to siti's house in the rain, and it was raining cats and dogs yesterday. we were laughing and being foolishly funny all the way back. bash was very very un-bashar-like yesterday, he wasn't himself. and today siti wasn't herself. i should be next tomorrow. hahahah!

wet bashar

wet siti

wet ely

indulging our wetness

bash looks better with bright coloured shirts. and look at him smiling!! so cute!

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